K9 Training Catalogue

Mission Statement

Von Jäger K9 is dedicated to providing strong, confident, and social working dogs. We specialize in military and law enforcement based training.  With over a decade of experience working with and training K9s within the military/law enforcement arena. We are not satisfied with merely providing K9s with no support or check the box training but recognize that the Von Jäger K9 name is forever attached to our services rendered – OUR QUALITY IS YOUR QUALITY AND YOUR SUCCESS IS OUR SUCCESS.

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Tactical Obedience Lessons (1 hour sessions)

In the world of Military and Law Enforcement K9 deployments control has become paramount. An out of control K9 could lead to mission failure, law suits, injury, or even death.  At the very least it cuts down on deployment efficiency and can create a reputation that limits the future trust of you unit or call outs from your department.  We have the experience and facilities required to provide Tactical Obedience lessons which will not diminish your K9’s drive but only build your team’s deployment confidence and efficiency.

Basic/Advanced Apprehension Course (5-10 Day)

Arguably, the most popular discipline of the military/police K9 is suspect apprehension. The military/police K9 is trained to bite and hold targets sometimes three times their weight.  The discipline of apprehension merely harnesses the drive instinct that certain breeds already possess.  We develop this drive and harness it to be used within the scope and mission of the K9 Team’s job.  Using specific scenario based training and repetition, we are able to control and enhance this very intense need for these breeds to not only hunt prey but also to subdue it.  This course is designed to give a student/handler the confidence to deploy his/her K9 in this capacity while adhering to common case law and department policy.

Basic Detection Course (5 Day)

Harnessing the K9’s sense of smell has proven to be the most utilized and respected disciplines within the Military/ Law Enforcement K9 arena. Your K9’s nose is the biggest force multiplier which your unit or department cannot use enough.  Taking this innate sensual ability and working it in congress with the K9’s instinctual drives, we will train the K9 Handler Team to locate their desired odor.  This course is designed to give a student/handler the confidence to deploy his/her K9 in this capacity while adhering to common case law and department policy.

Decoy Course (5 Day)

The objective of this course is to introduce K9 Handlers and K9 Helpers to some of the basic techniques used while being a Decoy for a Law Enforcement/Military K9. It is expected that each student will learn and demonstrate basic fundamentals of decoying for a Law Enforcement/Military K9.  Students will be able to perform these techniques with their personal safety and the K9’s safety as their top priority.

Basic Handler Course

The objective of this course is to introduce new Handler Teams to the basic techniques utilized during passive alert K9 detection and Basic law enforcement K9 Patrol techniques. “New Handler Team” could mean both K9 and Handler are both novice, experienced K9 and novice Handler, or experienced Handler and novice K9.  All K9’s will be imprinted on their required odors prior to this course.  This course is designed to create a working K9 Team that can pass any required certifications and is readily able to be integrated into the K9 Team’s departmental mission.  It is expected that all the above forms of a New Handler Team will be able to, as a team, successfully detect the odors (explosive or narcotic) required by the scope of their occupation.  Handlers will understand basic detection theory and learn techniques to continue advancing the skill of K9 detection. 

Hourly Maintenance training sessions

Contractual training schedules to meet the national standard in K9 training hours.  Never stop training, Never stop growing.